Dr Selim Adalı. Department of History, Social Sciences University of Ankara. ResearchGate.
16. The Istanbul Sippar Project

Dr Nadia Ait Said-Ghanem. British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow,
Department of History, School of History, Religions & Philosophies, SOAS, UK. Academia
43. Iraqi antiquities dealers of 19th century

Dr Ali Al-Juboori. Emeritus Professor, University of Mosul, Iraq.
51. Reflections

Prof. Farouk Al-Rawi. Independent scholar.
41. Reflections

Dr András Bácskay. Department of Ancient History, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary. Academia. ResearchGate.
32. Fever!

Dr Heather Baker. Assistant Professor in Ancient Near Eastern History, Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, University of Toronto. Academia
23. Babylonian houses and housing

Dr Gojko Barjamovic. Senior Lecturer on Assyriology, Harvard University. USA. Academia.
12. International trade

Dr Gareth Brereton. Independent scholar, UK. Academia
49. George Smith: the man behind the headlines

Dr Tim Clayden. Independent scholar, Oxford, UK. Academia
37. The Kassites

Dr Sophie Cluzan. Conservateur général du patrimoine, département des Antiquités orientales, Musée du Louvre, France
44. Votive statues from Mari

Dr Annarita Bonfanti, Visiting Assistant Professor, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University, New York USA. Academia. ResearchGate
62. Prize-winning assyriology

Dr Paul Collins, Jalah Hearn curator for Ancient Near East at the Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford. Twitter. Academia.
6. Displaying the ancient Middle East in the 21st century

Dr Parsa Daneshmand, Research Fellow: Nahrein Network, UCL, London. Academia
53. Consensus decision-making in divination

Dr Rients de Boer. Education Officer, Centre of Global Heritage and Development, Leiden University, Netherlands. Academia.
5. Gardening on the frontline

Dr Stefano de Martino. Professor of Hittitology, University of Turin, Italy.
29. Virtual assyriology: RAI 67,Turin

Dr Elena Devecchi. Professor of the history of the Ancient Near East, University of Turin, Italy. Academia
29. Virtual assyriology: RAI 67,Turin

Dr Carolyne Douché. Postdoctoral researcher, University of Oxford. ResearchGate. Academia
69. Carpology in the archaeology of ancient western Asia

Dr Müge Durusu-Tanrıöver. Assistant professor at Bilkent University, Turkey. Academia
26. Hittite art

Dr Tiffany Earley-Spadoni. Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Central Florida. USA.
34. Urartu and digital public engagement

Dr Stefania Ermidoro. Department of Humanities, University of Venice, Italy. Academia
31. Revisiting a Victorian explorer: Layard in the archives

Dr. Eckart Frahm. Professor of Assyriology, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations, Yale University, USA. Academia
54. A new history of Assyria, the world’s first empire

Dr Amy Gansell, Associate Professor of Art History, St. John’s University, New York USA. Academia
67. Dressing Assyria’s queens

Dr Agnès Garcia-Ventura, Ramón y Cajal fellow, Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona, Spain. Academia
55. The historiography of assyriology

Dr Ilgi Gerçek. Bilkent University, Archaeology Department. Academia.
16. The Istanbul Sippar Project

Dr Carlos Gonçalves. Associate professor, School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of São Paulo, Brazil. Academia
11. The human face of Mesopotamian maths

Dr Elynn Gorris. Oriental Institute of UC Louvain, Belgium. Academia
30. Locating the Neo-Elamite kingdom

Dr Carmen Gütschow. Diploma restorer of archaeological objects.
18. Archaeological conservation

Dr George Heath-Whyte, Research Associate in Old Testament and Ancient Near East, Tyndale House, Cambridge UK. Academia
62. Prize-winning assyriology

Dr Sophus Helle. Postdoctoral researcher, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. Website
28. 150 years of Gilgamesh
49. George Smith: the man behind the headlines

Dr Fabienne Huber Vuillet. Senior Lecturer, Le Département des sciences de l’Antiquité de l’Université de Genève, Switzerland
21. Meanings from the mundane

Dr Laith Hussein. Assistant Professor, College of Arts, University of Baghdad, Iraq. Academia.
1. Tell Harmal, heart of Eshnunna

Dr Basima Jalil Abed
50. Dr Basima Jalil Abed

Prof. Dr Enrique Jiménez, Institut für Assyriologie und Hethitologie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany. Academia
63: the electronic Babylonian Library

Dr Christopher Jones. Assistant Professor of History, Department of History at Union University, Jackson, Tennessee, USA. Academia
71. 2024 IAA prize winners
72. Court politics in the Neo-Assyrian empire

Dr Jaafar Jotheri. Assistant Professor in Geoarchaeology, Vice Dean — Faculty of Archaeology, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Diwaniyah, Iraq. Twitter.
22. Wonderful waterways: the geo-archaeology of southern Iraq

Tomoki Kitazumi, Faculty Member, Institut für Altorientalistik, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin Germany. Academia
62. Prize-winning assyriology

Dr Victor Klinkenberg. University of Cyprus, Nicosia. Academia. ResearchGate.
45. An archaeological approach to tablets

Dr Gina Konstantopoulos. Asssitant Professor in the History of Ancient Western Asia, Research Centre for West Asian Civilisation, University of Tsukuba, Japan. Twitter. Academia. Humanities Commons.
4. A demon-haunted world
58. Looking back at RAI Leiden: on conferences, and catching up with guests

Nolke Tasma, Prof. Caroline Waerzeggers, Mark Eertink, Piotr Zadworny, Mara Schön. Leiden University Institute for Area Studies, Leiden, Netherlands.
57. RAI 68: Looking forward to Leiden

Dr Nicolò Marchetti. Professor, Department of History and Cultures, University of Bologna, Italy. Researchgate. Academia. University page.
13. Nineveh 2020. How and why archaeology?
25. ICAANE: archaeology coming together

Dr Jana Matuszak. Lecturer in Ancient Near Eastern Studies, School of History, Religions and Philosophies, SOAS University of London, UK. Twitter. Academia.
2. Misogyny and the ideal Sumerian woman
58. Looking back at RAI Leiden: on conferences, and catching up with guests

Dr William McGrath. Graduate from University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Academia
71. 2024 IAA prize winners

Dr Davide Nadali. Lecturer in Near Eastern Archaeology, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy. Academia. Twitter
40. Excavating Tell Surghul

Prof. Zoltán Niederreiter, Department of Assyriology and Hebrew Studies, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary. Academia
73. Kingdom of Gods and Demons

Dr Seraina Nett. External Lecturer, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Academia
66. Geomapping Cuneiform

Dr Omar N’Shea. Director of the International School for Foundation Studies, University of Malta, Malta
65. Masculinities in Mesopotamia

Daniel Nicky (“Mr Nicky”). Educator and musician. YouTube.
15. Teaching Mesopotamia through music

Birgül Öğüt. Faculty Member, Orient Department, German Archaeological Institute, Berlin, Germany. Academia
52. Phytoliths in west Asian archaeology

Dr Adelheid Otto, Professor, Institute of Near Eastern Archaeology, University of Munich, Germany.
25. ICAANE: archaeology coming together

Dr Xiaoli Ouyang, Associate Professor, History Department, Fudan University. Academia
20. Silver in Sumer: money in Mesopotamia?

Dr Clélia Paladre, Département des Antiquités Orientales Department, Musée du Louvre, Paris, France. Academia. ResearchGate
62. Prize-winning assyriology

Dr Strahil Panayotov, Fellow, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Academia.
17. Assyrian eye medicine
49. George Smith: the man behind the headlines

Prof. Simo Parpola. Emeritus professor, University of Helsinki, Finland.
70. Simo Parpola and the State Archives of Assyria project

Dr Susanne Paulus, Associate Professor of Assyriology, Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures, University of Chicago, Il., USA. Academia. ResearchGate
60. Back to School in Babylonia

Alessia Pilloni, PhD student, Free University Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Academia. ZODIAC
71. 2024 IAA prize winners

Prof. Amanda Podany, Professor Emeritus, History, College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, USA
48. A new history of the ancient Near East

Dr Louise Pryke, Honorary Associate, Department of Classics and Ancient History, University of Sydney, Australia. Academia
59. Ishtar then and now

Dr Louise Quillien, researcher, French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris, France. Academia. ResearchGate.
47. Textiles in Babylonian

Dr Reinhard Pirngruber. Austrian Academy of Sciences. Fachhochschule Technikum, Vienna, Austria. Academia
27. Babylonian astronomical diaries

Prof. Julian Edgeworth Reade. Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies (Egyptology Section), University of Copenhagen. Academia
42. Reflections

Dr Rune Rattenborg. Independent scholar
66. Geomapping Cuneiform

Prof. Laerke Recht. Professor in Early Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology Ancient Eastern Mediterranean Studies, Institute of Classics University of Graz, Austria
46. The agency of animals

Dr. J. Nicholas Reid, Professor of Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, Florida, USA. Academia
56. The Big House

Dr. Erika Roboz, Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary. Academia
73. Kingdom of Gods and Demons

Dr Licia Romano. Research Fellow, Institute of Oriental Studies, Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza: Roma. Academia. ResearchGate.
10. Death and burial in Sumer

Dr Elisa Rossberger. Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, University of Munich, Germany. Academia. Twitter.
9. Reflections in clay: the tactile art of terracottas

Gustav Ryberg Smidt. PhD student, University of Ghent, Belgium
66. Geomapping Cuneiform

Dr Walther Sallaberger. Professor of Assyriology, University of Munich, Germany. ResearchGate
29. Virtual assyriology: RAI 67,Turin

Dr Małgorzata Sandowicz. Department of Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland. Academia. ResearchGate
35. Law And Order in Babylonia

Dr Dahlia Shehata. Assistant Professor in Ancient Near Eastern Philology, University of Wuerzburg, Germany. Academia.
7. Anzu: the many faces of a monster

Dr Tonia Sharlach. Professor, Department of History. Oklahoma State University, USA. Academia
38. The power behind the throne

Dr Philippa Steele. Senior Research Associate in the Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge, UK. Academia. VIEWS project website
49. George Smith: the man behind the headlines

Dr Saana Svärd. Associate Professor in Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Docent in Assyriology, University of Helsinki, Finland
39. Digital Assyriology in Helsinki

Dr Shiyanthi Thavapalan. Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow, University of Tübingen, Germany. Academia.
19. Colour in Mesopotamia

Dr Ariane Thomas. Head of department, Department of Ancient Near Eastern Antiquities, Louvre. France.
24. A Curator’s Life At The Louvre

Dr Ingolf Thuesen, Professor of archaeology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
25. ICAANE: archaeology coming together

Dr Aaron Tugendhaft. Bard College Berlin, Germany.
14. Images, idols and iconoclasm

Prof. Witold Tyborowski, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. Academia
68. Finding a job during Hammurabi’s reign

Dr Mark Weeden. Associate Professor Ancient Middle Eastern Languages, UCL, London, UK. Humanities Commons
49. George Smith: the man behind the headlines

Dr Cornelia Wunsch. Independent scholar. Academia. ResearchGate
49. George Smith: the man behind the headlines

Professor Shigeo Yamada, Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan. Academia. ResearchGate
61. Yasin Tepe: at the margins of empire

Amir al-Zubaidi. SBAH, Nasiriyah Museum. Iraq
36. Nasiriyah Museum, And Engaging Iraqi Audiences