Müge introduces us to the Hittites and their artistic world. We focus on kings, and why there are so few depictions of kings in human form. What do they look like? What are they communicating and who to? What does it tell us about the relationship between human and divine worlds?
3:45 nature and scope of Hittite art
7:22 who is it for?
10:49 relation to other ancient Middle Eastern traditions
12:41 why are there so few representations of kings in human form?
15:37 individuality or timeless kingship?
18:25 what does the king look like?
21:03 portraits or generic forms?
22:22 relation between human and divine worlds
23:55 can we identify historical events in art?
Müge’s university page: http://arkeo.bilkent.edu.tr/muge.html
Müge’s Academia page: https://bilkent.academia.edu/mdurusu
Music by Ruba Hillawi
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