Episode 18. Carmen Gütschow: Archaeological conservation: Show notes

Carmen introduces the work of an archaeological conservator. She discusses the issues that arise in different materials, and the range of treatments and tools she uses. What are the pressures of conservation work on an archaeological site? And what does she do differently in Europe and the Middle East. As an expert in treating cuneiform tablets, Carmen explains about firing and salts.

3:03 what a conservator does

4:23 ceramics

7:38 organics and humidity

8:54 metals

11:40 work on an archaeological site versus work in a lab

13:38 work in the Middle East

16:23 cuneiform tablets

17:42 firing tablets

21:46 preserving original condition

24:37 working in museums

Carmen’s book: https://www.pewe-verlag.de/?page_id=830

Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg/Excavation in Assur and Bakr Awa and Ninive in Iraq/Kurdistan

 LMU/ Kurdistan-North Iraq. The Shamlu Archaeological Mission (SAM) is part of the DFG Emmy Noether project “Flight – Migration – Interaction. Artefact related diversity in Ancient Near Eastern contexts of the 3rd and 2nd millennium BC” www.shamlu.net › People

LMU/ Iran. Das elamische Archiv aus Goshtaspi. Staatliche Verwaltung

Sippar library/ Baghdad, Iraq. „Electronic Babylonian Literature“ unter der Leitung von Professor Enrique Jiménez am Lehrstuhl für die Alte Geschichte des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens in Kooperation mit der Abteilung für Archäologie der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Bagdad.

Hilprecht collection at Friedrich-Schiller University Jena

DAI  /Uruk-Warka collection at Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg

Böhl-Collection NINO /Leiden, Netherlands

VAM Berlin “Das Vorprojekt BABylo-tec”. Erinnerung an das ende der deutschen Babylon- Expedition

Museum of Islamic art Berlin/ Afghanistan. A museum project in Herat Afghanistan

Museum of Islamic art Berlin/ Karachi, Pakistan. A project and exhibition in Karachi

Bundeskunsthalle Bonn/Yazd, Iran. A new museum project in Yazd

Music by Ruba Hillawi

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